Real Value Shared with the Global Community


True value for the global

Belong provides true value for the global community

Revealing hidden patterns using Belong’s proprietary, multi-layered data powered by machine learning & artificial intelligence to advance clinical research and improve patient quality of life and care. For patients, caregivers, health professionals, providers and pharma.

We are deeply committed to advancing the state of global research with quality, real-world data.

Leveraging AI & ML
for a Hyper-Personalized

Cutting-edge AI, machine learning and proprietary medical
neural networks are changing the way we and our partners
understand patient journeys.

Why conduct research with Belong?

Highly engaged patients
Disruptive analytics technologies
Unparalleled real-world data​​ Can Help You Accelerate Research

By understanding real-life treatment journeys, analyzing critical decision points, conducting surveys, and providing you with competitive Business Intelligence.

Recent Studies

We have made significant contributions to global cancer research, having published several papers in leading international peer-reviewed journals.

Cancer patients’ real-world-behavior reveals compromised daily life activities, and more.

Clinical Trials Participation Is Directly Influenced By The Information Received By Cancer Patients (Pts) A Caregivers: Real-World Evidence With The Use Of A Specialized Digital Health Platform. (Abstract E24118)

Evaluating The Dyadic Management Of Sexuality-Related Parameters In Women With Early Breast Cancer (EBC): The Emergence Of “Partner Reported Outcome Measurements”. (Abstract E18779)

Researched by Belong.Life and published by ASCO
1069 patients, users of, a worldwide, free, and voluntary, digital health application,
replied during April 2021 to a targeted survey including demographic & clinical questions
related to their cancer status, ongoing therapies and the received Covid 19 vaccination details

Social media platforms give patients a voice by allowing them to discuss their health and connect with others. These unfiltered and genuine reports offer direct access to what matters most to patients. Exploring the patient-reported outcomes discussed in these platforms reveal clinical insights and behavioral patterns of the real-world patient journey. This research study reviewed health-related quality of life (HRQoL) concepts reported by patients with multiple myeloma (MM).

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