Tips for Managing Pain After Surgery

Managing pain after surgery is an integral part of the road to recovery.

To help you manage the pain, we have collected a few tips provided by members of the various Belong community groups:

  • Keep ahead of the pain by taking the prescribed pain medication. Do not wait until the pain is severe.
  • If over-the-counter medication does not ease the pain, ask your doctor to prescribe stronger medication.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Sleep allows our body to heal and may improve our ability to cope better with the pain.
  • If you experience problems sleeping, check your environment. The disturbance may be caused by something that can be easily changed, such as adjusting the amount of light in the room, lessening noise, changing the pillows, or adjusting the bed’s position. For severe insomnia issues, talk to your doctor.
  • With your medical teams’ permission, get up, sit in a chair, go for a short walk or do some gentle exercise. This can be effective methods of pain control.
  • Practice mindfulness pain reduction techniques, such as deep breathing and relaxation exercises.
  • Listen to your body. If something specific causes more pain, avoid doing it for a while in the early stages of recovery.
  • If the pain worsens or you notice new symptoms, contact the medical team to ensure the wound is not infected.

This content is provided for your general education and information only. It does not necessarily reflect Belong’s views and opinions. Belong does not endorse or support any specific product, service, or treatment.

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