BelongMS App Now Includes French Language Option

June 2021.

Belong.Life, a developer of a networking platforms that help patients navigate and manage their disease, has added a French language option in its BelongMS app for the French-speaking Canadian community.

BelongMS is a free mobile app that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to support the multiple sclerosis (MS) community — including patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals — by providing the opportunity to connect with others and receive personalized clinical information.

“Challenging medical diagnoses can leave patients and their families feeling overwhelmed and alone,” Eliran Malki, Belong.Life’s co-founder and CEO, said in a press release. “At Belong.Life, we aim to close that gap by connecting patients and caregivers to the resources and support networks they need, available right at their fingertips.”

BelongMS users can join support groups, contact medical professionals, and receive personalized tips and reminders on how to better manage their treatment. The platform is also reported to have a digital medical binder for medical records that can be shared privately with others, including the patient’s healthcare provider.

“Our effective navigation tools for patients across the healthcare continuum continue to expand, and we are proud to extend access to the French-speaking Canadian community, where this support is greatly needed. We encourage patient advocacy organizations in the field to use this resource to help their communities thrive,” Malki added.

According to the company, the app has been widely successful in Canada, a country with one of the highest rates of MS in the world. BelongMS, based on what it called “numerous requests,” extended access to the French-speaking MS community.

“With the high rate of multiple sclerosis in Canada, we found it critical to expand the app to the French-speaking community, enabling them to share and learn from their peers, connect with health professionals and better navigate their unique journey,” said Daniel Vorobiof, MD, medical director of Belong.Life.

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Download the MS app now available worldwide.

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