Belong is the Social Network Providing Cancer Support For Patients and Families

August 2017.

Knowledge is the most important tool in the fight against cancer. Belong, a company dedicated to helping patients optimize their treatment journeys, offers a free treatment navigation app that gives users unrivaled access to potentially life-saving knowledge and resources. Belong helps patients find the support they need in order to improve their quality of life and their chances against the disease.

Belong offers users open access to information and to a large global cancer support community. With the Belong patient navigation app, patients and their families can:

  • Organize important documents such as test results, scans, and appointments, in a secure, private personal binder.
  • Get alerts and tips about steps taken by other patients with a similar profile, through Belong’s Big Data system.
  • Get advice from fellow patients and doctors through forums and private chats, such Dr. Ilya Iofin, Chief of New York’s Mt. Sinai Hospital Orthopaedic Oncology Service.
  • Keep in touch with loved ones on the app’s “private family” feature – even the attending physician or oncologist can join the group to explain procedures and give advice.
  • Get custom alerts on new clinical trials from the National Cancer Institute’s database of clinical trials whenever a relevant experimental treatment that matches their profile becomes available

After losing family members to cancer, co-founders Eliran Malki, Irad Deutch and Ohad Rubin set out to make sure patients and their families have access to the right information. All three were already experienced entrepreneurs, and they used their expertise to create the solution that would have helped them while their families were dealing with cancer. The result was the Belong platform, which connects patients to each other, to doctors, and to information and advice that might improve their quality of life and even their chances of survival.

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